A high profile real estate broker in New York City, formerly Denver, posted on her blog CityDawn the recent research on happiness.
According to Dr. Ian Smith, 50% of happiness is programmed genetically. You are born with a happiness gene, programmed from birth. The better part of this report is the fact that we can affect the other 50% of our happiness with simple things that we can build into the daily routine of our lives. There are many actions that will stimulate happiness. For example, a daily routine in Cherry Creek North is grabbing a latte and greeting your morning friends at any of the many coffee bars. You want to be where everyone knows your name...especially the barrista.
According to Dr. Smith, another catalyst for happiness is performing random acts of kindness, not uncommon in an urban community with a small town flair. Either spontaneous or planned events such as the upcoming Bid It Up For Bromwell, the local elementary school fund raiser, random acts of kindness are vital to a community.
What is your formula for happiness? Is it where you rest your head at night or what you gaze at first thing in the morning? At NorthCreek we can assist you in affecting the 50% of happiness that is not genetic. We are a community that affects happiness and beauty through its architecture, construction and location. We are a completed mixed residential/retail development with a variety of residences to match a variety of happy lifestyles. We have Tower Condominiums and two and three story Brownstones available for immediate sale. We have customizable Courtyard Flats so you can design your own style of happiness.
Stop by NorthCreek for information and a tour, we are open seven days a week. Let us unlock the doors for you, we have the keys.
Visit http://sweetcherrycreek.com/blog/North-Creek-Residential-Sales.htm
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