Thursday, December 16, 2010

Illuminate Gym Template

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Illuminate Gym Franchising
710 Colorado Boulevard
Denver, CO 80206
(877) 427-2615

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Illuminate Gym Franchise Finds Location in St. Louis, Missouri

Illuminate Gym Franchise Opportunities
Thank you for following Illuminate Gym!
Illuminate Gym has an event to share with you.

Illuminate Gym Franchise Finds Location in St. Louis, Missouri

Illuminate Gym Franchise Development is happy to announce that they are close to making an offer on a piece of real estate in St. Louis, Missouri. We are hopeful that the newest Illuminate Gym will sit in the neighborhood of Chesterfield, Missouri near a plethra of other wellness businesses. Illuminate Gym Franchise Development is hopeful that an Letter of Intent will be delivered to the landlord by tomorrow.

Thanks so much for reading about the exciting fitness franchise news here at Illuminate Gym. Please visit us at or to read more about Illuminate Gym or to see some of the holiday specials we are offering on personal training.

Visit Illuminate Gym for additional event information, coupons and offers.

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