It's spring and time to refresh ... the closets,
the wardrobe, the patios and decks, the windows, and the list goes on. This is also a great time of year to refresh your lifestyle and reconsider that move. While you are refreshing your home, think of getting your home "show-ready" and staged for that next move. Staging a home is a must in a market that provides buyers with a number of listings to view. When staging a home, the first rule of thumb is to remove all personal items that you will move to your next location; e.g. framed family photos, your child's kindergarten pottery hand-print, or even the antique chandelier found in a quaint shop on your honeymoon. Once you have removed all of the personal treasures, look around the home and decide what you plan to give away either on consignment or to a non-profit and then do it immediately before you take your home to market. The two simple tasks of packing early the things you plan to move and disposing of the things you will not move give the home a more refreshed and clean look.
Once your home is refreshed, you may decide it is so beautiful that you will never move or you may decide that it is primed and ready to sell and it will encourage you to make that move. If you move, stop by NorthCreek, we are a residential community in the heart of Cherry Creek North between Detroit and Fillmore Street and First and Second Avenue. We have finished Tower Condominiums and Brownstones available for immediate occupancy and customizable Courtyard Flats. Our sales office is located at 2800 East Second Avenue and we are open seven days a week.
[tags Real Estate]
[category Che]