This is the tenth day of the tenth year, awesome when you think about 10/10. Ten is an awesome number and is really only used in powerful images. Think of a number between one and ten, rate something on a scale of one to ten (ten being the highest, always). There are movies made based on the number ten, comedians routinely list a "top ten" either originally or mimed. Ten is viewed as the best number on the digital scale so it should come as no surprise to anyone that when someone tours NorthCreek they often say, "It's a ten!".
NorthCreek is a ten for so many reasons; location, construction, architecture, variety of lifestyle. So if you are looking to refresh your point of reference and discover what a "ten" is, please visit us at NorthCreek.
We are open seven days a week, located on Second Avenue between Fillmore and Detroit streets.
[tags Real Estate]
[category Che]