Two clients at Illuminate Gym in Denver, Colorado are currently in the fight of their lives with Cancer but they have both made the choice to fight back with fitness. One of these clients has already beaten Cancer once, but this time she is fighting even harder by keeping her body healthy and lean before her chemotherapy treatments begin. The other customer has already gotten into the mind set that he will beat Cancer and he refuses to live a life without fitness. Both of these customers have made it very clear the Illuminate Gym helps them stay fit both physically and mentally because our personal trainers are committed to not letting our customers quit. We won't quit on them and in turn, we ask them to not to quit on their fitness or their futures. These two customers of Illuminate Gym are extremely brave and though they're letting Illuminate Gym help in the fight against Cancer we believe everyone needs to fight for a healthier future with fitness. Over 30% of the adult population in the United States is obese and these people are all at risk for diabetes, heart disease and other ailments that could lead to an early death. Fitness is an investment you have to make in your future and Illuminate Gym offers personal training at a very affordable rate to keep you focused on reaching your fitness goals and ensuring their is a healthy future in front of you. Thanks so much for reading the blog at Have a healthy day!
[tags Athletic Clubs & Gyms,Mind & Body,personal trainer, personal training, Gym, Illuminate Gym,, Cancer, Fitness, health, Denver, Colorado, Cherry Creek, Hilltop, private gym]
[category Che]
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