So why is obesity on the rise in America with all of these fitness options or gyms out there? Well there really isn't a simple answer to this question, but I'll try my best to answer it with my personal opinion. First and foremost, as technology has begun to advance itself we are seeing a change in our the newer generations activity level. Today with computers and video game consoles there is no reason to go out and play because you can do everything in a cyber world. You don't even need to learn to play an instrument with games like 'Rock Band' out there. Then those same kids grow up to work behind a desk and a computer screen. In other words, as a society of people we are not getting enough activity in our day-to-day lives and it's now starting at childhood. Also our nutrition habits in the United States are starting to slip even further into cheap foods packed with saturated fats, sugars and preservatives. So now we are looking at a society that doesn't have enough activity and we're eating poorly and in most instances too much! With this combination you see a society that is 36% obese and 61% over weight. The question is how are all these gyms and fitness options helping with the obesity epidemic in America?? The simple answer is they're not. Most fitness facilities are selling the dream of a healthier and fit life. However, as soon as you drop that credit card on the table you are let loose into a jungle of fitness equipment which very few no how to use. In other words, most people going to the gym are unclear about how to pursue their fitness goals. So they either waste their time in the gym or they merely stop going. However, they usually always continue to pay for the gym because as I said before fitness facilities are selling the dream of a healthier and fit lifestyle. So now we have people who aren't active enough, eating horrible and they are members to a gym they don't know how to properly use.
At Illuminate Gym our philosophy is your health is worth a trained professional. If you didn't know to build a house would you trust yourself to build your dream home? I didn't think so, and your body should be no different. At Illuminate Gym we offer the opportunity to have a fitness professional take an active role in your personal fitness journey at an affordable price. We also offer nutritional counseling at no extra cost. We are committed to helping our clients become as fit as they can. Thanks so much for reading the blog here at Have a healthy day!
[tags Athletic Clubs & Gyms,Mind & Body,fitness, fit, personal training, personal trainer, fitness franchise, gym, illuminate gym,, nutrition, ]
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